How do fruit diet

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Eating fruit is delightful, and also a very healthy choice. In these times of quick searches, more and more people join this proposal called 'express diets': the fruit diet.

What is the fruit diet?

It is a long and well washed skinless monotematizada power consumption of fresh fruit (if they were not organic), to give the body a shock of vitamins, minerals and fiber, plus healthy carbohydrates.

Follow these tips to make the fruit diet and eliminate those extra pounds, leaving your body full of energy and health in a few days.

Menu for fruit diet

The matter is simple and easy to do well. You should only eat fruits, variety and version you prefer, and delicious and free of unnecessary fats contributions accompaniments. For example, follow these guidelines:

Breakfast : juice squeezed citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit / grapefruit, tangerine, lemon), accompanied, if you prefer, a cup of coffee or tea (green or white, preferably) unsweetened, or half an apple.

In the mid-morning snack , eat a piece of fruit full of energy, like an avocado with lemon juice or a banana.

Lunch : Eat a small skinless chicken breast, cooked on the grill with salt and lemon juice, nonfat mozzarella if you want (so you get protein) and a great dessert a delicious grapefruit and kiwi.

Snack : Nothing like a juicy and tasty apple. It can be fresh or stewed, baked, unsweetened.

Dinner : Prepare a healthy bowl of skimmed milk (or nonfat yogurt) with fresh fruit, or a bowl of roasted fruits, and even tasty unsweetened fruit salad.

Warnings fruit diet

Before starting this or any diet, always consult your doctor and nutritionist to know that you're doing something appropriate to the particular characteristics of your body.

Since the fruit diet has minimal calorie intake is not recommended if you follow sports, or have a lifestyle or very active job. In fact, it should be made ​​for no more than five consecutive days, up to twice a year, and accompany it with sports but with mild exercise, like walking.

Finally, we suggest to avoid this diet if you have diseases or conditions, if you are pregnant or ending a medication regimen aggressive, because your body needs a complete power at the time.

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